Discover the ultimate tool for GCSE Spanish success with our meticulously designed GCSE Revision Spreadsheet. Use this spreadsheet to organise and track your GCSE Spanish revision and therefore ACE all four of the exams! Empower your learning journey with structured, efficient planning aimed at achieving outstanding results.
The spreadsheet includes:
-A checklist of all the topics required (split into the 3 AQA themes)
-The accompanying Quizlet link to each topic
-Grammar checklist
-Writing exam checklist (for both higher and foundation)
-Past paper checklist with the formula inputted to calculate your percentages (for both higher and foundation)
-Vocabulary list template for new words you've learnt
-Revision timetable template
GCSE Revision Spreadsheet
This file is available to download as an Excel spreadsheet. You will be provided with the link to download it once you have purchased it.
This spreadsheet is based on the current specification of the AQA GCSE Spanish exams (last exams in 2025). However, the template could be adapted to suit any exam board.